Pray Like This… Secret

A man and a woman are falling in love. Where do they want to go?  

Dinner at a loud mall food court? Hanging-out at an interstate truck stop? Of course not.  They head for a long walk on a deserted beach, or to the most remote table they can find in a quiet restaurant.  

Passionate love seeks seclusion.   Do you know that is how God asks to meet with you?

If you read through Matthew 6 a few times you will notice Jesus telling us to go to God “in secret.” 

When you do your giving, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your gift may be in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.

Whenever you pray, go into your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.

Four times we read, “in secret.”  The original Greek word is kryptos which means hidden.   God wants to meet with you privately.

Imagine this:  God, the creator of the whole universe shows up at your house and asks if he can speak with you alone.  You take him into a back room, and after you both sit down he looks at you intently and says, “Tell me how you are doing.  What is on your mind and heart?  What’s bothering you.  I have so much love for you, and I want to know.”

You may be thinking, “That’ll never happen.  Why would the person running the whole universe want to talk to me?”

But, in truth, he does! Jesus said it. “Go into your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.”  When you pray in secret he is right there with you listening . Let that sink in!

I hope you read my first post on prayer.  I suggested you read Matthew 6 a few times and look for repeating words.  How many did you find?  Please leave your finds in “comments.”

Here are some repeats I found:  Father, reward, pray, forgive, worry, truth/truly, and life.  

I will be back next week to talk about how we can, in a noisy world, pray in secret.

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