
Dark, cold, seemingly endless interstate roads were a large part of my life for over a decade while I moved around the country for school and military service.  Indiana to Bergen County: 750 miles.  Denver to Bergen: 1777 miles.  Missouri to Bergen: 1147 miles. Mile after miles, and I remember very little of them except for one spot, the lights of Paterson, NJ.  

The lights of Paterson are hardly notable but for one thing – when they appeared I knew I was almost home.  They’d appear out of the dark in the wee hours of the morning giving me a surge of joy and relief knowing I had made it. When I see them now I still feel it – home!

Home, where I can exchange vending machines and lukewarm coffee for a fridge full of my favorite foods.

Home, where instead of cold, dirty commodes I get my mom’s sparkling bathroom and hot shower.

Home, where weary hours of clutching the wheel turns into a soft mattress and my favorite pillow.

Home, where I feel welcome and safe because my parents love me.


If we expect all this good from parents, why would we ever expect less from our Father in Heaven?

Jesus told the story of the farmer and his two sons so we know exactly what to expect when we go to our Father.

Remember, the wandering son, as a last resort, was going home to beg his dad for a job as a hired hand. He would have been happy for a bowl of soup and some hay to sleep on.  Instead his dad charged down the driveway to meet him, showering him with the best he had: clothes, shoes, ring and a giant party.  Your Father in Heaven does the same.

Jesus said, “Which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!”

How do you think the farmer would have felt if his son had said, “I don’t want all the stuff you are giving me.  I want to live away from you in the barn.  Send me some bread and water, and I’ll start work in the morning.”

His dad would have been so heartbroken.  

We often turn our heavenly Father into a stingy god who doesn’t want to care for us.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  

Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Head for home.  Pull in the driveway.  Get out of your car and let the Father embrace you.  He’s waiting for you.


Scriptures quoted: Matthew 7:9-11, Matthew 11:28

The Father and His Sons Part 3

It took a long time for the son to walk back to the family farm.  Remember, he had gone to a far country. (read Parts 1 and 2.) The rough road on his bare feet slowed him down. And he was hungry to the point of fainting .  But getting home was his only hope of surviving, so he kept going.

He had lots of time to think about what he would say to his father when he got there.  He knew his father had no obligation to help him – not after the way he had acted.  By rights his father should turn him away, but he knew him to be a kind man, so he prepared this little speech:

“Father, I have sinned against Heaven and you.  I am not worthy to be called your son.  Will you allow me to work here as your hired servant?” 

The son rehearsed his speech over and over on his slow walk home.  And while he walked his father was still watching.  Every morning his father looked down the road, hoping to see his son. At noon, and again before dark, he looked and prayed his boy would come home.

Then one afternoon the father looked and thought he saw far off a familiar figure on the road.  His heart started to beat quickly, but then he thought, “That’s not my son.  He is way too thin and he walks with his head down.”

But he kept watching.

“Wait,” he thought, “it looks like my son’s gait.  But, no, this fellow is wearing nothing but rags.  It’s not him.”

But he kept watching.

And as the figure drew nearer the father’s heart leapt with the joy of recognition.

“It’s my son!”  Then he did what no dignified gentleman would do. Pulling up his robe he sprinted down the path to the gate shouting, “You’re home!  You’re home!”

The son had barely made it through the gate when the impact of his father’s embrace almost knocked him over.  He tried to start his speech, saying, “Father,I have sinned against Heaven and…..”

But his father wasn’t listening.  He was kissing him and shouting instructions to the servants.

“Look, my son is home.  Run to my closet and bring me my best robe.  And bring some shoes with it.”

“And, you, go tell the cook to kill the fatted calf and make a big feast.  We are going to celebrate!”

“And, you, go tell the neighbors my son is home and we are feasting.  And then go hire that band we like.”

Finally the father took off his ring and put it on the finger of his son, which meant he was restored to the position of his father’s beloved child.

Together they walked back to the house, and the party began.


Jesus told this story so we can know how God the Father feels about us. Whether you are on the road leaving, on the road heading back or safely home the Father loves you more than you guess, and your welcome party is waiting.

Scripture reference: Luke 15:11-24

The Farmer and His Sons. Part 1

A long time ago there was a Middle Eastern farmer who had two sons.  It was a large farm with hired help. The farmer lived comfortably and had plenty to eat, but he and his sons worked hard. I’m not sure exactly why, but the younger son grew tired of it all.  Maybe it was the long days and getting up before dawn.  Maybe it was sweating under the hot Mediterranean sun that burned him.  Maybe it was taking orders from his older brother.  (If you have an older brother you know how bothersome that can be.) 

Maybe it was all of the above that led this younger son to go to his father and say, “Give me my share of your property. I’m leaving.”

This broke his father’s heart, but he did it.  He shouldn’t have done it, tho.  His son was being mean and arrogant.  The father should have become angry and kicked the son out for good.  Asking for his inheritance was saying to his father, “I wish you were dead!”  

However, even though his heart was broken, the father divided up all he had and gave this ungrateful son his share.  In a disgraceful move the son sold off part of the family farm, packed his bags and left.

You would think his father would slam the door behind him and say, “Good riddance!  Never come back.”

But he didn’t.  He watched his beloved son walk away- walk down the path – walk to the main road -turn left and walk away.  The father watched until his son was just a speck on the  horizon.  Then he was gone.  And the father kept watching, hoping his son would change his mind and come back.  

And every day after that the father kept watching.

(To be continued)

Would you like to have a Father like that?  Well, we do!  God our Father loves us no matter what and watches for us to come home, no matter what.

John the disciple writes this: See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children — and we are!

Where are you today?  Home with your Father or out on the road?  Wherever you are your Father loves you.

See you next week for the rest of the story.

Scripture quoted: 1 John 3:1

Pray Like This….Our Father

The house was ablaze and John, having escaped,  searched for his young daughter in the dark street. When he could not find her he raced back into the building.  

He never came out. She had been outside, but he had not seen her.  I was told this story by John’s neighbors. His heartbroken daughter mourned for her courageous dad. But she knew without a doubt one thing many daughters and sons never know –  her dad loved her so much he would die for her.

Years ago I worked in an inner city neighborhood and would help out at the local children’s ministry.   When I started volunteering I was asked not to tell the children God was their father.  Their environment was filled with absent or abusive fathers.  Why would any child want to know a God like that?

What is your picture of a father?  

It doesn’t matter if you grew up with a great dad, bad dad or absent dad, your heart still wants the care and protection of a loving father.  

It doesn’t matter how old you are, either, does it?  You still want to know the dad you want wants you. You want to know your father would run into a flaming deathtrap to rescue you.

Amazingly God did just that.  God came to us as Jesus, who told his puzzled disciples, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.”  Twelve hours later he was dying on a Roman cross to save your life.

If you want to know what God the Father is like, look at Jesus.

If you want to know what the Father does, watch Jesus.

If you want to know if you are loved enough to die for, ask Jesus.

Paul tells it this way:

He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, ….. 

For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 

and through him to reconcile to himself all things,

 whether on earth or in heaven,

 making peace by the blood of his cross.

It may be difficult to understand God loves us so passionately.  But look at Jesus. You will see the God who wants a loving relationship with you. You will see the God who dies for you.

If you haven’t read my last blog, it may help you, so check it out now and do the little exercise.  Please follow me so we can meet again next week.

Scripture reference: Colossians 1:15,19-20

Pray Like This…..”Your”

I tell my granddaughter brilliant profound things.  She smiles, laughs, and walks away.  Of course she does;  she is 20 months old.  She doesn’t understand what I am trying to say.

Do you believe God understands what you are trying to say?

The first important thing when we speak is to know who we’re talking to.  When we pray your (your kingdom come; your will be done) what do we think this you is like?

Let’s stop now to consider who we believe God is.  Get two pieces of paper and a pen.  At the top of one sheet write “Godand at the top of the other sheet write “Jesus.”  Begin with God and write a list of all the words you can think of that describe God.  Take a couple minutes to do this.  Then turn over that sheet, take your second sheet and write a list of words that describe Jesus.


Now take your two lists and put them side by side.  How are the words you chose for God different than the ones you chose for Jesus?  How are they the same? Whom are you more comfortable praying to? If your picture of God is very different from your picture of Jesus, why might that be?  

In the Gospel of John you have read this:

In the beginning was the Word….and the Word was God.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

The Creator of the universe put on skin just like your skin and lived with folks just like us.  He grew up in a town with neighbors who were nasty or nice.  He had favorite foods and danced with friends to music they played. He had parents who loved him and younger brothers who thought he was crazy.  He walked on rough roads that tired his feet. The bright sun made him squint and burned his cheeks.  He grieved the deaths of his family and friends.  He was disappointed when those he trusted let him down.  He knows what it is like to be in skin like yours.

When you pray, God understands what you are trying to say.

I hope you will keep thinking about who God is. And I hope you will sign up to follow my blog, because I will be back next week ……..

Pray Like This…..”Our”

Saying our means you are with someone.  You belong to a group. That group may be as large as the earth (our planet) or as small as just two (our marriage.)  Size doesn’t matter; our means you are not alone.

Loneliness plagues our planet, and, as we are hearing now, may be more devastating than our current viral plague.  Even before COVID-19 Great Britain saw a need to have a Minister of Loneliness to fight the pandemic of feeling isolated and lonely. 

God, himself, told us from the start, “It is not good that the man should be alone.” (Genesis 2:18)

Take a look now at the prayer Jesus taught his disciples.  Read it and then count the first person plural pronouns us and we.

Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored,

may your kingdom come,

may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us today our daily bread, 

and forgive us our debts, as we ourselves have forgiven our debtors. 

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

God does not desire us to live alone and lonely.  Jesus in many ways and in this prayer invites you to be with him and all his followers.

There are Christians all over the world right this minute praying this prayer.  Some are parents teaching it to their little ones.  Some are followers in empty churches or prison cells.  Some are in full churches.  Some are soldiers and sailors far from home. Some are at weddings.  Some are at funerals.  Some are nurses holding the hand of a dying grandfather.  All are praying it together.  All are praying it with you.  You are not alone.

True story:  During World War II my father was on a Navy vessel half a world away from my mother in New Jersey,  They had always prayed this prayer together before they went to sleep.  Then thousands of miles of land and ocean separated them. One night my mother awoke from a vivid dream.  She had dreamt she was kneeling by her bed with my father praying the Lord’s Prayer.  The dream was so real she wrote to him about it.  He wrote back that the very hour she dreamed, he was leading a service on deck and praying the prayer.

I hope you will go back now and pray this slowly, thinking about every our and we, and who is praying with you.  You are family.  You are not alone.

Pray Like This……Expecting

We spend our days expecting things to happen.  Most of the time we are not particularly conscious of our expectations, until they don’t happen.

One summer afternoon I had my car all packed up to go on a road trip.  I had gas, snacks, music and everything I needed for a five hour trip.  I sat down in the driver’s seat, turned the key and………………….nothing.  

Think of how many things you expected to happen today, and they did.  Your alarm went off on time.  Your microwave heated up your soup.  Your mail came.  Your shower was hot.  Hundreds of expectations!

What do you expect when you pray?  

If we are honest we might say, “nothing,” or “not much.”

I hope you have decided to stay with me as we investigate what Jesus taught about prayer.  In my blog on October 3, I suggested you read through Matthew 6 a few times and note any words or phrases that occur more than twice.  Did you notice the word reward is there 5 times?

“And your father who sees in secret will reward you.”

Last week we followed a desperately ill woman who secretly approached Jesus looking for a reward.  She believed if she just touched his clothes she would be healed.  She didn’t think the clothing had power, she knew Jesus did.  And when she touched his shawl, Jesus’s power healed her.

Since you are reading this I know you plugged some device into an electrical socket and expected the reward of your battery being charged. If we have faith our power company will reward us, we can have faith that the powerful Creator of the universe will also reward us when we approach him.  Jesus said he will.

When my car wouldn’t start I had faith in the AAA membership card in my wallet and I called the number on the card.  I was soon rewarded with a running motor.

Call your Father in Heaven: he promises to respond.

If you don’t have a prayer journal, try starting one now.  Keep a running list of your prayers.  My list has been running for decades.  Soon you will be able to look back and count your rewards.


 Whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

  (Hebrews 11:6)

Pray Like This….secretly

She was sick.  Really sick.  She had been bleeding for 12 years.

Luke, the physician who recorded her story, doesn’t tell us the source of her problem, but we can guess it was from “the way of women.”  She had no modern way to deal with this, just rags.  Rags she had to wash and boil and wash again.  

And she was tired.  Any unchecked loss of blood leads to anemia.  Sick, anemic and tired.

And she was poor.  She used to have money, but she had spent it all going from doctor to doctor looking for help.  But no one helped her.  Sometimes the treatments made her worse.  Sick, tired, poor.

And she was lonely.  In her day there were laws – good laws to help stop the spread of disease- about not touching certain things. These rules labeled her “unclean,” and anyone who touched her became unclean.  No one wanted to touch her.  She lived without hugs, kisses, hand-holding and arms around her shoulder, and, of course, no intimacy with a husband.  Her inability to have children brought her shame.  If she did stay with family they would be sure not to touch her or anything she touched.  Alone, sick, tired, poor.

Without hope.

Without hope until one day someone came to her village with stories about a rabbi who was a healer.  Stories were carried by mouth from village to village.  Slowly they began to arrive in her village.  There was a rabbi named Jesus who was teaching in a new way, and he was doing astonishing things.   Stories about useless legs walking, blind eyes seeing, leprosy leaving.  Stories that amazed and puzzled everyone.  Stories that started to raise the dead hope in her heart.

“Maybe,” she thought, “Maybe Jesus will heal me.  If he comes here I will go ask him.  Surely if he can cure blindness and leprosy he can cure me.”

But how would she go?  Everyone in the village knew she was unclean  They would see her coming.  They would back away.  They would yell at her and tell her to go home.

“Go home,” they would say. “Jesus is a holy man.  If you touch him you will make him unclean!  Go away.  He is not here for you.”

Not here for her?  She sighed to think about what might happen is she tried to get close to Jesus.  But in the courage born of desperation, she decided she would do it.

“The messenger whom you long for is certainly coming.”  She had heard that prophesy many times.  “For you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.”

Healing!  She longed for healing.  She would go and touch the wings of his shawl and be healed.  She knew it.  She planned for it.  And then the day came.

One afternoon she heard children shouting in the street, “Jesus is coming!  Jesus is coming!” Her neighbors hurried out of their homes to see Jesus.  But she couldn’t join them.  No, she could not go with the crowd because they would tell her to go home.

Instead she grabbed her shawl, pulled it over her head, covering her face so no one would know her.  Then, looking down, she walked quickly in the direction of the noisy crowd. No one noticed or stopped her; they were too busy trying to get a look at Jesus.

When she saw him coming she ducked her head and, trembling with excitement, pushed through the tightly packed crowd until she was almost near Jesus.  Then bending down even more she watched his feet come closer and closer.  Her heart raced.  

“Now!” she thought and reached out her hand to touch the wing of his shawl.  Immediately she felt something.  She felt well!  But as she turned to run home and share her good news, Jesus suddenly stopped and yelled, “Who touched me?”

Panic poured over her.  She started to tremble and shake as she realized he knew what she had done. Was he mad at her?  She had broken the law by touching Jesus.  Now that Jesus knew, would he take her healing away?  She froze and waited.  Her eyes welling with tears.

“Oh, come on, Jesus,”  his friends said,  “Look at this crowd.  Everyone is touching you.  Why do you want to know who touched you?”

Everyone stopped as Jesus continued to look from face to face. “Someone touched me,” he said. “I know that power has gone out from me.”   Finally his eyes met hers.

Now her trembling increased to the point she could barely walk,  but somehow, as the crowd parted she made her way to him and fell to the ground.

“I had to touch you,” she told Jesus. “I’ve been so sick for so long. I just had to touch you.  I knew if I touched you I would be healed, and I am healed!”

Not daring to look up she stared at the hem of his robe and waited.

“Daughter,” he said to her in the kindest voice she had ever heard. 

“Daughter, your faith has healed you.  Go in peace.”


In Matthew 6 Jesus tells us to pray “in secret.” Of necessity the woman in our story had to approach Jesus secretly. In the commotion of a moving crowd she made a hidden place. Many persons in that crowd touched Jesus, but his power only went out to her.

You may have read books and articles on how to have a great Quiet Time with God. Their advice can be very helpful. But let’s not focus on how-tos and miss our goal: meeting in secret with God. The most important thing is wanting to be alone with God and making our way through whatever obstacles we have to be with him.

Remember Jesus said, “Your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

I hope you will read this woman’s story as Luke wrote it in chapter 8 of his Gospel, starting at verse 43.

 But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.”

Malachi 4:2,3

Pray Like This…..in Secret

A man and a woman are falling in love. Where do they want to go?  

Dinner at a loud mall food court? Hanging-out at an interstate truck stop? Of course not.  They head for a long walk on a deserted beach, or to the most remote table they can find in a quiet restaurant.  

Passionate love seeks seclusion.   Do you know that is how God asks to meet with you?

If you read through Matthew 6 a few times you will notice Jesus telling us to go to God “in secret.” 

When you do your giving, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your gift may be in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.

Whenever you pray, go into your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.

Four times we read, “in secret.”  The original Greek word is kryptos which means hidden.   God wants to meet with you privately.

Imagine this:  God, the creator of the whole universe shows up at your house and asks if he can speak with you alone.  You take him into a back room, and after you both sit down he looks at you intently and says, “Tell me how you are doing.  What is on your mind and heart?  What’s bothering you.  I have so much love for you, and I want to know.”

You may be thinking, “That’ll never happen.  Why would the person running the whole universe want to talk to me?”

But, in truth, he does! Jesus said it. “Go into your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.”  When you pray in secret he is right there with you listening . Let that sink in!

I hope you read my first post on prayer.  I suggested you read Matthew 6 a few times and look for repeating words.  How many did you find?  Please leave your finds in “comments.”

Here are some repeats I found:  Father, reward, pray, forgive, worry, truth/truly, and life.  

I will be back next week to talk about how we can, in a noisy world, pray in secret.

Pray Like This

Can you remember the first time you talked to God?  Stop now and try to recall how old you were and what you said.  (Pause to remember.)

Maybe you were very young and a family member helped you fold you hands and thank God for your food.  Maybe you were a bit older and memorized the “Our Father” in Sunday School or for your First Communion. Maybe you were older still and faced a scary situation that made you ask God for help.

In your memory of talking to God, try to remember what you thought about God as you prayed.  Little kids can have some very strange ideas about who God is and what he looks like.  Grown-ups can have some very strange ideas, too.

I think one of the reasons we don’t pray more is we have concocted ideas about God that are not very accurate.  In the coming weeks I invite you to investigate with me what Jesus said about talking to God.  I am convinced Jesus was sent by God and is God. Believing that, I absolutely want to know what he said about prayer. 

We’ll start with a well known and oft-quoted passage from the writings of Matthew, one of Jesus’ disciples, The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6.  Pause now to find this in your Bible or print it from Bible Gateway

Read through the passage once, and then reread a few times circling all the words or phrases that are repeated at least 3 times.  Make a list of what you find.

I will meet you back here next week and we can compare what we find. I hope to hear from you very soon.

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