What God Thinks

Do you care what God thinks?  Do you believe the United States Congress should care what God thinks?

Last month a telling dialogue between two members of Congress took place in the House of Representatives. 

A Representative from Florida had said, “ We are seeing the consequences of rejecting God here in our country today.”

To which a Representative from New York declared, “What any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.”

From an historical viewpoint this is an amazing statement since our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, states its authority rests on “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”  It also says citizens “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”  The justification for our nation’s very existence falls if we are not concerned with the will of God. 

When Jesus taught us to pray, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…Your will be done,” he was telling us to approach God with awe, and to be concerned about the will of  our Father.

The word hallowed in the original Greek is hagiazo, which means to reverence and honor.  This is different from the word sacred, which means the person or object has holiness that is inherent and apart from the judgement of any person.

What Jesus is asking us to do at the beginning of our prayers is to acknowledge the sacredness of the Father and act accordingly.

So what does that mean in our everyday life? We will map this out as we continue through the rest of the Lord’s prayer, but overall it means to give God honor by concerning ourselves with his will for us and for his world.

We have in the past months spent much time showing the goodness and closeness of our Father in Heaven.  Now we will talk about acting as if we believe this.


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